***Unless noted otherwise, scholarship opportunities will open Monday, January 6th.***
How to Apply
Our online application process makes applying easy. The following scholarships are part of our Universal Scholarship Application:
Barry and Terri Brenneman El Paso-Gridley High School Scholarship, Barry and Terri Brenneman Eureka High School Scholarship, BCDI Green Family Scholarship*, Chief William T. Bauer Scholarship Fund, Dr. Valentine Jobst III Educational Fund Scholarship, Epilepsy Scholarship Fund, Illinois Mutual Employees’ Children Scholarship Fund*, Jean M. Brown Nursing Scholarship Fund (Occupational and Non-Occupational), Joyce and Thomas H. Stanisic Scholarship Fund, MidAmerica National Bank’s Employees Children Scholarship Fund, Peoria Chiefs Scholarship (Tri-County and Sports Administration), Sandra L. Stemler Teaching Scholarship Fund, Sue Aplington Kreutz Scholarship, and the Vietnam Veteran’s Moving Wall Fund.
By completing the Universal Application, students will be notified of all scholarships for which they are eligible. Supplemental information will be required based on eligibility.
We have transitioned to new scholarship software. You can access a scholarship applicant tutorial here: SLM Scholarship Applicant Tutorial.
Contact Amanda Fiske with any questions: amanda@communityfoundationci.org
From the list of CFCI Scholarship Funds below, click on the name of the scholarship. Click the link “click here to apply” to preview an application. To apply, click on “apply” and you will be asked to create a username and password.
NOTE … for online applications, please allow extra time. Most online scholarships, especially references and letters of recommendation, have fields that require input from others; therefore applications cannot be submitted until these fields are completed. Students are able to save and come back to the application at any time.
All information submitted will become the property of CFCI and will be kept confidential. Applicants will be notified of award status by mail. Additionally, recipient names will be posted on the CFCI website. By applying for a CFCI scholarship, the applicant agrees to these terms and conditions.
Established by the Grant family in memory of Darrell Grant who was known as “The Cookie Man,” with an outgoing nature, kindness and sense of humor that made him friends with everyone. To honor his memory, his family created this fund to award scholarships to graduating students from his alma mater, East Peoria Community High School.
This scholarship will be paid directly to the college or university to assist with the cost of tuition and fees.
Selection Criteria
1. Financial Need.
2. Graduating senior of East Peoria Community High School (preference given to students who reside in Creve Coeur)
1. Must be a senior who will be graduating and pursuing post-secondary education via trade school, community college, or a four-year institution
2. Participated in extracurricular activities
3. Demonstrated ability to develop friendships with many others form all walks of life
Required Materials
1. Completed Application.
2. Teacher-authored recommendation required
Application Deadline
To obtain an application and additional information, please contact East Peoria Community High School at (309) 694-8300.
Established by the Schliepsiek and Bielenberg families in memory of Andy and Jamie (Bielenberg) Schliepsiek who met as students, as well as graduated from Richwoods High School. To honor their memory, their families have created this fund to award scholarships to Richwoods High School graduating seniors.
This scholarship will be paid directly to the college or university to assist with the cost of tuition and fees.
Selection Criteria
1. Financial Need.
2. Applicants potential for leadership, scholarship, and citizenship.
1. Must be a senior who will be graduating and attending a college or university.
2. Must have maintained a “C” average or above in their first 7 semesters.
3. Must be attending Richwoods High School.
Required Materials
1. Completed Application.
2. At least two letters of recommendation.
3. Essay (approximately 100 words).
Application Deadline – April 1
To obtain an application or for any questions, please contact Richwoods High School at 309-693-4405.
The Barry and Terri Brenneman El Paso-Gridley High School Scholarship provides a scholarship award of $1,500 to a graduating senior of El Paso Gridley High School who plans to attend an accredited two or four-year post-secondary institution to study Education, Health Sciences, or Environmental Science.
1. Applicant must have a minimum GPA of 2.5.
2. Applicant must be a graduating senior of El Paso-Gridley High School.
3. Applicant must plan to attend an accredited two or four-year post-secondary institution to study Education, Health Sciences, or Environmental Science.
4. Financial need considered only when other factors are equal among applicants.
Required Materials:
1. Completed application.
2. Two letters of recommendation.
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
This scholarship is part of our Universal Application. Click Here to Apply
The Barry and Terri Brenneman Eureka High School Scholarship provides a scholarship award of $1,500 to a graduating senior of Eureka High School who plans to attend an accredited two or four-year post-secondary institution to study Education, Health Sciences, or Environmental Science.
1. Applicant must have a minimum GPA of 2.5.
2. Applicant must be a graduating senior of Eureka High School.
3. Applicant must plan to attend an accredited two or four-year post-secondary institution to study Education, Health Sciences, or Environmental Science.
4. Financial need considered only when other factors are equal among applicants.
Required Materials:
1. Completed application.
2. Two letters of recommendation.
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
This scholarship is part of our Universal Application. Click Here to Apply
The Bleeding and Clotting Disorders Institute (BCDI) will be sponsoring a limited number of scholarships to assist individuals in gaining and furthering their higher or technical education.
The scholarship award of $1,500 is good for a period of one academic year. The scholarship will be paid directly to the school of the recipient’s choice upon confirmation that the student has enrolled. The scholarship may be used to cover the cost of tuition, books and required fees pertinent to their course of study.
Selection Criteria
1. Essay
2. Applicant’s demonstrated desire to succeed
1. Applicant must be diagnosed with a congenital or acquired chronic bleeding disorder or congenital clotting disorder.
2. Applicant must reside in the BCDI service area of downstate Illinois, which for this purpose is defined as all Illinois counties with the exception of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry and Will.
3. Applicant must have attended a scheduled visit with an HTC in the 24 months prior to the application deadline.
4. Applicant must have maintained a GPA of 2.5 or above.
5. Applicant must be enrolled or plan to enroll as a full time student at an accredited vocational/trade school, junior college, or four-year college/university.
Required Materials
1. Completed application
2. Official transcript
3. Essay
4. Doctor diagnosis confirmation email (before applying, please email Marsha Hurn at marsha@ilbcdi.org)
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
This scholarship is part of our Universal Application. Click Here to Apply
The Fund was established to provide scholarships to graduating seniors of Illinois Valley Central High School who are pursuing a course of study leading to a baccalaureate degree at a college, university, or trade school.
Application Deadline
To obtain an application, please contact Illinois Valley Central High School at (309) 274-5481.
Albert Blumenthal and his family are holocaust survivors who came to Peoria after World War II. Albert attended Peoria High School and graduated in 1951. He then received a scholarship from The Rotary Club of Peoria. Mr. Blumenthal wants to repay what he considers a longstanding debt by helping students who might not otherwise have the financial resources to further their education beyond high school. Mr. Blumenthal and his wife are the primary benefactors of this scholarship in cooperation with the Rotary Club of Peoria. Mr. Blumenthal’s sister is Marion Blumenthal Lazan, author of the book “Four Perfect Pebbles”, which is the story of the family’s holocaust survival. Copies are available in the Peoria High School Library.
Two recipients from the Peoria High School will be awarded up to $5,000 each for their first year of secondary education. The award will be paid directly to the school of the recipient’s choice upon confirmation that the student has enrolled. The scholarship is to be used in the following sequence: (1) tuition, (2) books and fees, and (3) the balance, if any, for room and board.
Selection Criteria
1. Financial Need
2. Scholastic Achievement
3. Teacher and Faculty Recommendations
4. Essay
1. Applicant must be a graduate of Peoria High School
2. Applicant must be enrolled full time in an accredited university, college or community college
3. Lineal descendants (child or grandchild by blood or legal adoption), step children, or spouses of Rotarians are not eligible
Required Materials
1. Completed Application
2. Essay
3. Completed recommendation form from a teacher, counselor or administrator at Peoria High School
Application Deadline – March 20
To apply or for more information, please visit Illinois Central College’s Web page at www.icc.eduscholarships.
Established by the Murphy family in memory of Brian Murphy. To honor his memory, the Murphy family created this fund to award scholarships to Lewistown Community High School graduating seniors.
Scholarship support may be used for tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for courses at the educational institution.
Requirements and Selection Criteria
Graduating senior of Lewistown Community High School who has been accepted as a full or part-time student at any accredited college, university, technical or trade school, or certification program.
Application Deadline
To obtain an application or for more information, contact Lewistown Community High School at (309) 547-2288.
The William T. Bauer Scholarship Fund is a charitable foundation for assisting area residents and their communities. The fund provides academic scholarships to qualifying residents furthering their education in law enforcement, who are current residents in Stark, Marshall, Henry and Bureau counties. The fund commemorates the dedication and bravery of Chief William T. Bauer, who was killed in the line of duty in a tragic car accident on August 6, 2010.
This Scholarship of $1,000 is to be used towards the costs of tuition and other fees.
Selection Criteria
1. Essay
2. Applicant’s demonstrated desire to succeed
1. Applicant must be a current resident in Stark, Marshall, Henry or Bureau county.
2. Applicant must plan to attend an accredited course(s), trade school, two or four year college or university in the United States in the coming academic year and be focused on furthering their education in law enforcement.
3. Applicants can apply for a scholarship a maximum of four times.
Required Materials
1. Completed application
2. Essays
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
This scholarship is part of our Universal Application. Click here to apply
This Scholarship was established to honor the memory of Coach Tony Juska. Tony’s greatest coaching achievement occurred in 1954 with the Peoria (Central) High Schools undefeated football team winning the City, the Greater Peoria and Big 12 Championships with a 10-0-1 record. The 1954 team was the first undefeated team in the school’s history. This remarkable season included seven shutouts and a defense that never allowed more than one touchdown a game. As a coach, Tony’s longest winning streak was 22 consecutive games at Peoria Central High School.
This award of $1,000 is to be used towards tuition and other expenses.
Selection Criteria
1. Potential for Scholarship, leadership, and citizenship.
2. Applicant’s involvement in extra circular activities while in High School.
1. Applicant must be a graduate of Peoria Central High School.
2. Applicant must be attending a 2 or 4 year accredited college or university.
3. Applicant must be a student athlete at Peoria Central High School.
4. Applicant must have maintained a grade point of 3.0 through their first 7 semesters.
Required Materials
1. Completed Application.
2. Essay.
Application Deadline – March 20
For an application, contact Peoria High School at (309) 672-6638.
This scholarship was established in memory of James H. Dempsey, a teacher and drama director at Peoria High School. The applicant should be pursuing a career in teaching, theatrics or the hard sciences (including, but not limited to: Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, or Biology).
The award of $500 will be paid directly to the college or university to assist with the costs of tuition and fees.
Selection Criteria
1. Scholastic achievement
2. Motivation to accomplish education and career goals
3. Leadership and involvement in extra circular activities while attending Peoria High School, with special consideration given to students who have been active in drama
1. Applicant must be current senior or a recent graduate of Peoria High School
2. Applicant must be pursuing a career in teaching, theatrics or the hard sciences (including, but not limited to: Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, or Biology). Applicant may also be a graduate of an accredited college or university who will be seeking an advanced degree in one of the aforementioned fields
3. Applicant must have maintained a grade point average of 3.0 through their first 7 semesters
Required Materials
1. Completed Application
2. Two Letters of Recommendation
Application Deadline – March 20
For an application, contact Peoria High School at (309) 672-6638.
This Scholarship was established by the family of Dennis Craig McPherson to honor his memory. Dennis was killed in Vietnam on November 11, 1967 serving his country. This scholarship is to be awarded to a graduating senior at Gregory High School in Gregory, South Dakota.
The $500 award is to be used towards the tuition costs of attending a college, university, technical, or vocational institute within the state of South Dakota.
Selection Criteria
1. Financial Need.
2. Community and Church Involvement.
3. Essay.
1. Must be a graduating Senior at Gregory High School.
2. Must be enrolling as a full time student at a 2 or 4 year college or university or an accredited technical or vocational institution within the state of South Dakota.
3. Applicant must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) at the time of graduation.
Required Materials
1. Completed Application.
2. Essay.
Application Deadline – March 15
To obtain an application or if you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Peggy Glover at (605) 835-9672.
This Scholarship was established by the East Peoria Alumni Scholarship Fund to provide assistance to East Peoria High School seniors who are going to pursue post secondary studies in the areas of Law or Public Service.
This award of $1,000 is to be applied to the costs of tuition and fees.
Selection Criteria
1. Applicant’s display of leadership, scholarship and citizenship.
2. Applicant’s desire to succeed.
1. Must be a graduate of East Peoria Community High School.
2. Must be pursuing a continued education at a 2 or 4 year college or university.
3. Must be focusing in the areas of Law or Public Service.
Required Materials
1. Completed Application.
2. Two letters of recommendation.
Application Deadline – February 3
To obtain an application or for any questions contact East Peoria High School (309) 694-8300.
This scholarship was established by Dr. Valentine Jobst III whose family arrived in Peoria, Illinois in 1859. His grandfather and father founded the V. Jobst and Sons Construction Company which constructed many familiar buildings around the city. This includes the schools from which Dr. Jobst graduated: The original Washington School building on Moss Ave. and Peoria High School.
Jobst graduated with honors from the University of Illinois in 1926. With the exception of 1942 through 1946, when he served as a Major in the Army, his professional career was spent as an instructor at the University of Illinois. He retired as a full Professor associated with the Political Science department in 1964. Dr. Jobst died in Champaign, Illinois in 1993.
The scholarship award is good for a period of one academic year and is not considered a renewable scholarship; however, recipients are eligible to re-apply each year. Prior recipients are not given preferential consideration.
Selection Criteria
1. Motivation to accomplish career goals.
2. Potential for scholarship, citizenship and leadership are taken into consideration.
3. Financial need is only a consideration when other factors weigh equally among applicants.
1. Applicant must be a graduating senior of a Peoria Public High School.
2. Applicant must be pursuing vocational / technical education at an accredited institution. This would include technical related 2-year Applied Science degrees such as but not limited to: Automotive Technology, Culinary Arts Management, Computer Programming and Database Development, CNC Machine Operator, Dental Hygienist, Diesel Powered Equipment Technology, HVAC Technician, etc., at Illinois Central College or a similar institution.
Required Materials
1. Completed application.
2. High School or College/University Transcripts.
3. Two (2) Online Letters of Recommendation – teacher and non-relative adult (obtain email addresses for each).
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
This scholarship is part of our Universal Application. Click here to apply
This scholarship was established in 1994 by a group of loyal East Peoria Community High School supporters. The purpose of this fund is to provide scholarships for higher education for EPCHS graduates, as selected by the EPCHS Scholarship Council.
This scholarship of up to $1,000 is to be used for full time tuition at a college or university.
Selection Criteria
1. Motivation to accomplish education and career goals
2. Potential for scholarship, citizenship and leadership
3. Financial need is only a consideration when other factors weigh equally among applicants
1. Applicant must reside in and attend high school in District 309
2. Applicant must intend on enrolling full time to a college or university in the coming academic year
Required Materials
1. Completed application
2. Two letters of recommendation
Application Deadline – February 3
To obtain an application or for any questions contact East Peoria High School at (309) 694-8300.
The Fund was established to provide scholarships to graduating seniors or graduates of East Peoria Community High School who are pursuing college/university degrees, professional accreditation/certification, or trade schools.
Selection Criteria
Applicant’s involvement in the community through service.
Application Deadline
To obtain an application, please contact East Peoria Community High School at (309) 694-8300.
This scholarship was established to provide assistance to a graduate of Putnam County High School who has shown scholastic achievement, an interest in agriculture, leadership ability, and good character.
The amount of this award may vary from year to year, but the funds awarded are to be applied to the costs of tuition, room, board, textbooks, fees, and other expenses normally associated with attending undergraduate courses of study. Students may reapply for this scholarship.
Selection Criteria
Scholastic achievement.
Potential for leadership, character, and citizenship.
Financial need.
Must be a graduate of Putnam County High School.
Must be pursuing a degree at a college or university.
Applicants should show successful completion of agriculture course(s) at Putnam County High School as well as an involvement in 4-H or FFA.
Required Materials
Completed Application.
Application Deadline – March 15
To obtain an application, please contact Steve Johnson, Guidance Counselor at Putnam County High School at (815) 882-2800.
Established in memory of David S. Izard who lived and attended school in Canton, Illinois. David was active in football, track, and basketball. He graduated from Western Illinois University and was employed as an Assistant Manager of Wal-Mart in Georgia. David was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 3 ½ but lived a full and active life. David died December 5, 1992, fifteen days before his 27th birthday. Additional gifts have been made in memory of other individuals as well.
A scholarship award of $500 will be awarded to an applicant to further education in a junior college or a four-year college/university.
Selection Criteria
Motivation to accomplish education/career goals
Potential for scholarship, citizenship and leadership are taken into consideration
Financial need is only a consideration when other factors weigh equally among applicants
Applicant must reside and be a current graduating senior at a high school located within a 50-mile radius of the City of Peoria (excluding Knox and McLean counties)
Applicant must be diagnosed with epilepsy
Applicant must be pursuing an education at a junior college or a four-year college/university
Required Materials
Completed application
High School or College/University Transcripts
Online Letters of Recommendation – one from a teacher and one from a physician (obtain email addresses for each
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
This scholarship is part of our Universal Application. Click here to apply
A fund of the Forman Valley Community Foundation administered by the Community Foundation of Central Illinois, this scholarship is sponsored by the Alumni Association from the former Forest City High School. It is designed to assist a worthy graduate from Midwest Central High School in Manito, Illinois, to further his/her education beyond a high school diploma.
Two $1,000 awards will be given to assist with the costs of tuition and other fees.
Selection Criteria
Financial need
Applicant’s display of leadership, scholarship, and citizenship
Must be a graduate of Midwest Central High School
Applicant must be enrolling in a two or four year college or university, vocational or trade school, or entrance into the military
Required Materials
Completed application
Essay (100-300 words) describing an obstacle in life that was overcome
Official high school transcript
Application Deadline – April 1
To obtain an application or for any questions please contact Natalie Putney, Counselor at Midwest Central High School at (309) 968-6766 or at putney@midwestcentral.org.
Gerald C. Bulkeley, a graduate of Abingdon High School, served the Abingdon community and its young people through a variety of civic and educational leadership activities. Mr. Bulkeley’s family established the Gerald C. Bulkeley Scholarship in his memory.
This scholarship is available for students attending school in District 276 and residing within the boundaries of former District 217. One student will be awarded $2,000 each year for 4 years. This scholarship is to be used for tuition and fees of the college or university to be attended.
Selection Criteria
Letters of Recommendation
Applicant’s demonstrated desire to succeed
Applicant must attend school in District 276 and reside within the boundaries of former District 217
Applicant must plan to attend a four year college or university
Required Materials
Completed Application
Two Online Letters of Recommendation (obtain email addresses for each)
ACT scores
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
Click here to apply
Established by the Gregory Williams family to honor the memory of their husband, father, and great friend. The fund provides scholarship support for a graduating senior from Midwest Central High School and who is enrolling as a full-time student at Bradley University.
This scholarship of $500 will be paid directly to Bradley University to assist with tuition costs.
Selection Criteria
Scholastic achievement.
Applicant’s desire to succeed.
Financial need is not a consideration of this scholarship.
Must be a graduate of Midwest Central High School.
Must be enrolling full time at Bradley University.
Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Emphasis is to be placed on students enrolling in the College of Engineering.
Required Materials
Completed Application.
Essay (250 words) addressing:
Why you want this scholarship.
What your future career goals are.
Application Deadline – Not Accepting Applications
To obtain an application or for any questions please contact Natalie Putney, Counselor at Midwest Central High School at (309) 968-6766.
The Fund was established to provide scholarships to graduating seniors from Peoria Manual High School who will attend an accredited 2- or 4- year institution with plans to study science, technology, math, social justice, or advocacy for women and children.
Selection Criteria
Applicants must be graduating seniors from Peoria Manual High School who will attend an accredited 2- or 4- year institution with plans to study science, technology, math, social justice, or advocacy for women and children.
Two letters of recommendation: one from a teacher and one from a member of the community
An essay of 500 words or less. Describe a time when you reached out to help someone in need. Discuss the qualities you possess that empowered you to do that and what you learned from that experience.
Application Deadline
This scholarship will be available starting in 2022.
Established by Illinois Mutual Life Insurance Co. to provide scholarship support for the employees’ children who are graduating from high school or are an undergraduate college/vocational student and enrolling as a full time student. Scholarship funds are to be used only for tuition, textbooks and fees associated with the course of study.
Illinois Mutual’s Community Relations Department will respond to any questions regarding this scholarship. However, for questions regarding the application process and required materials, applicants are asked to contact the Community Foundation of Central Illinois at 309-674-8730 or amanda@communityfoundationci.org.
Selection Criteria
Scholastic Achievement.
Potential for scholarship, citizenship and leadership.
Must be a birth child, legally adopted child or stepchild residing in the home of a regular, full time or permanent part-time employee of Illinois Mutual.
Must have a minimum 2.5 grade point average.
Must be graduating from high school or an undergraduate student enrolling full time in:
a. Two or four year accredited university or college.
b. An accredited technical or vocational institution to prepare for a trade.
Past scholarship recipients are eligible to re-apply.
Required Materials
Completed application.
ACT or SAT Score.
High School or College/University Transcripts.
Online Letter of Recommendation – from a professional or educational source (obtain email address).
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
This scholarship is part of our Universal Application. Click here to apply
The Fund was established to provide scholarships to graduates of Delavan Community School District 703, who demonstrate a commitment to learning. Such a commitment to learning is not demonstrated by achieving high grades alone, but instead manifests itself by regular attendance, good behavior in school, a positive attitude and desire to achieve a higher degree. The desire is that scholarships be granted to those students that may be known as “the underdog” and, while they may achieve only average grades, these students should be given the same opportunities to pursue higher education. No recipient shall be a valedictorian or in the top 10% of the class. Eligible students must be enrolled in either an associates or bachelor degree program at an accredited community college, junior college, and/or university. A maximum of five scholarships to qualified applicants in the amount of $2,000 each shall be awarded each year no matter the amount each year he or she is enrolled, for a maximum of eight semesters. The Community Foundation of Central Illinois shall have the discretion to set terms for academic performance while a recipient is enrolled, keeping in mind the terms of the scholarship. After ten years, this amount shall be increased to a minimum of $2,500.
Selection Criteria
Applicants must be graduates of Delavan Community School District 703.
Application Deadline
This scholarship will be available starting in 2022. Please contact the Delavan Community School District at (309) 244-8285.
Jean M. Brown graduated from the St. Francis School of Nursing in 1938. During her nursing career, Ms. Brown was employed by Caterpillar as an Industrial Nurse and enjoyed the distinction of being the first individual to hold this position. Ms. Brown very much enjoyed her work experience and wanted to provide the same opportunities she had been provided to pursue a career in the field of nursing.
Ms. Brown made the provision in her will that allowed for the creation of an endowed nursing scholarship. Upon her death in October 2000, the Jean M. Brown Nursing Scholarship was established to award scholarships (based on need) to nursing students, with a special preference given to those students pursuing a career in Occupational Nursing.
The scholarship award is good for a period of one academic year. The scholarship will be paid directly to the school of the recipient’s choice upon confirmation that the student has enrolled. The scholarship award may be used to cover the cost of tuition, books and required fees pertinent to the nursing program. Any unused portion of the scholarship must be returned to the Community Foundation of Central Illinois as it is not meant for the private use of the scholarship recipient.
Selection Criteria
Financial need
Extracurricular activities
Professional/educational goals and achievements
Online Letter(s) of reference/recommendation
Applicant must reside within a 50-mile radius of the City of Peoria (excluding Knox and McLean counties)
Applicant must be pursuing an education in the field of nursing. Undergraduate, graduate, and certifications in a specific nursing field are eligible
Applicant may be enrolled as part-time or full-time
Applicant must be in good academic standing at the institution in which he or she is enrolled
Non-Occupational Health Application
This application is for all nursing candidates who are studying any discipline of nursing that is NOT Occupational Health. If you are studying Occupational Health Nursing please fill out the Occupational Health Application.
Required Materials
High school /college transcript
Acceptance letter /verification of enrollment form
Financial aid report provided by your school
If current RN, please include copy of license
Two online letters of recommendation (obtain email addresses for each)
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
This scholarship is part of our Universal Application. Click here to apply
Occupational Health Application
This application is for Occupational Health nurses seeking additional education. If you are not currently a nurse interested in Occupational Health please use the Non-Occupational Health Application.
Required Materials
Professional affiliations
Educational goals
Copy of Nursing license
Online reference letter from employer (obtain employer’s email address)
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
This scholarship is part of our Universal Application. Click here to apply
Jenny Meek was a member of the class of 1997 of Peoria High School. She was active in student council and drama among other activities and was also an outstanding student. Jenny accomplished all of this while suffering cystic fibrosis. This scholarship was established in her memory and is awarded to a Peoria High senior who emulates Jenny’s activities and accomplishments.
The one-time $1,000 scholarship can be used to assist with the costs of tuition or other expenses associated with pursuing a post secondary education.
Selection Criteria
Involvement in extracurricular activities.
Applicant’s potential for leadership, scholarship, and citizenship.
Must be a graduating senior at Peoria High School.
Must plan to attend a college or university.
Applicant must have maintained a GPA of 3.0 through their first seven semesters.
Required Materials
Completed Application.
Application Deadline – March 20
For an application, contact Peoria High School at (309) 672-6638.
This Fund was established to provide scholarships to graduating seniors from Pekin High School who are pursuing a course of study in a field related to food science or food preparation. The recipient must demonstrate a strong desire to achieve future success in these fields and a commitment to community service. At least one scholarship of at least $1,000 is to be awarded annually.
Selection Criteria
Must be a senior at Pekin High School pursuing a course of study in a field related to food science or food preparation and commitment to community service.
Application Deadline
This scholarship will be available starting in 2022. Please contact Theresa Black, Counselor at Pekin High School, at (309) 347-4101 ext 4287 for questions.
This scholarship will be established by the estate of Jody Aldridge for students who are accepted into and attending the International House of Prayer University in Kansas City, MO.
Not Accepting Applications.
Established to award scholarships based on need to students working toward a degree or certification in the music or healthcare fields.
This scholarship will be given for the entire expected course of study up to 4 years and may be used towards tuition, room and board, text books, and other fees.
Selection Criteria
Financial need.
Applicant’s demonstrated desire to succeed.
Must be a student working towards a degree or certification in a field that falls within the Music or Healthcare fields. Associate and post bachelor degrees are acceptable.
Must have maintained a high school or college GPA of at least 2.5.
Any candidate that is related to Dr. Stanisic or to any of his physician partners are ineligible for this scholarship.
Required Materials
Completed application.
Two online reference letters – one from an educator and one from an employer, supervisor, or counselor (obtain email addresses for each).
Essay addressing: Why you need this scholarship.
What you want to study and why.
What will you do with this educational opportunity.
***Offered every 4 years. Will be open again in 2026.***
A fund of the Forman Valley Community Foundation administered by the Community Foundation of Central Illinois, this scholarship was established to provide assistance to graduates of Midwest Central High school in pursuing post secondary education in the field of agriculture.
This $1,000 scholarship is to be applied to tuition costs and other related fees.
Selection Criteria
Financial Need
Applicant’s desire to succeed
Must be a Midwest Central High School senior or graduate
Must be enrolling full time in a two or four year College, University, or Vocational School
Must be enrolled in an agriculture related field
Required Materials
Completed application
Official transcript
A teacher recommendation letter
Application Deadline – April 1
To obtain an application or for any questions please contact Natalie Putney, Counselor at Midwest Central High School at (309) 968-6766.
The Linda Hohenbery Scholarship was established by the family of Lynn to award scholarships to seniors at Limestone Community High School. Lynn lost her battle with cancer in July 2006. She was very active in numerous organizations in the Bartonville community and was a strong supporter of Limestone Community High School.
This scholarship will be paid directly to the institution to assist with the cost of tuition and fees.
Selection Criteria
Potential for scholarship, citizenship and leadership.
Applicant should have been an active member in the community outside of school.
Applicant must be a graduating senior at Limestone Community High School.
Applicant must intend on enrolling full time at a two or four year accredited university or college or an accredited technical or vocational institution.
Required Materials
Completed Application.
Two faculty members recommendations.
Essay on “Your Contribution to Society and Humanity in the Future.”
Application Deadline – April 1
For an application or any questions, contact Stephanie Decker, the counselor at Limestone High School at (309) 697-6271.
Established to award scholarships to students enrolled as seniors at Canton Senior High School who have demonstrated active community involvement and outstanding leadership and citizenship.
Applicants may apply each year they are eligible to receive the award. This award is to be used for tuition costs and other associated fees.
Selection Criteria
Potential and display of scholarship, leadership and citizenship.
Financial need.
Applicant must be a graduating senior at Canton High School.
Applicant must be attending an accredited college, university, junior college, or trade organization.
Applicant must have a minimum grade point average of 2.8 (on a 4.0 scale).
Required Materials
Completed Application.
An essay (250 word minimum) addressing the following topics:
a. Desired degree in which field and why.
b. Definition of outstanding leadership and citizenship.
c. Why you think you should be considered for the award.
Application Deadline – Not Accepting Applications
For an application, contact Canton High School at 309-647-1820. For more information on this scholarship or to make a donation, view the Little Giant Scholarship Fund Information Sheet.
Established to award scholarships to students at Illinois Central College enrolled in the Radiography program who exhibit a financial need.
Selection Criteria
Applicant must be a student at Illinois Central College
Applicant must be enrolled in the Radiography program at ICC
Required Materials
Application Deadline – Not Accepting Applications
The Fund was established to provide scholarships to graduating seniors of Limestone Community High School who are pursuing a course of study related to mental health at a post-secondary institution.
Application Deadline
To obtain an application, please contact Kate Wenzel at Limestone Community High School at (309) 697-6271.
This scholarship fund was established in honor of Michael D. McCoy to award scholarships to former or current St. Jude patients or their siblings
This award is to be used for the cost of tuition and other associated fees.
Selection Criteria
Applicant’s motivation and desire for success.
Applicant’s display of scholarship, leadership, and citizenship.
Applicant must be a high school graduate who will be attending college or vocational school.
Applicant must have maintained a “C” average or above.
Applicant must be a former or current patient, or sibling of a former or current patient, at the St. Jude Midwest Affiliate.
Required Materials
Completed application.
Essay stating reason to be considered for this award.
3 letters of recommendation from non-family members.
Application Deadline
To obtain and application, please contact the St. Jude Run Office at (309) 566-4580.
In late 2005, a fund was established by MidAmerica National Bank to provide scholarship support to the children of its employees. The scholarship is open to students who are graduating from high school or an undergraduate college/vocational school.
This scholarship is a one-time award up to $500. Applicants must re-apply each year that they are eligible to receive the scholarship.
Selection Criteria
Scholastic achievements.
Motivation to accomplish education/career goals.
Potential for scholarship, citizenship and leadership are taken into consideration.
Financial need is only a consideration when other factors weigh equally among applicants.
Applicant must be the child of a full-time MidAmerica National Bank employee (the employee must have a minimum of six months full-time employment).
The scholarship is open to students who are graduating from high school or who are enrolled in an undergraduate college/vocational school and who currently are attending or are planning to attend a two- or four-year accredited university or college or an accredited technical or vocational institution to prepare for a trade.
Required Materials
Completed application.
High School and College/University Transcripts.
Online Letters of Recommendation – one from an educator and one from a non-relative adult (obtain email addresses for each).
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
This scholarship is part of our Universal Application. Click here to apply.
Paul A. Kinsinger, M.D. grew up in Washington, Illinois and was a 1976 graduate of Washington Community High School. He was a well-respected physician and entrepreneur in central Illinois. He passed in February 2016 after a courageous one-year battle with brain cancer. In his honor, the Paul A. Kinsinger, M.D. Memorial Scholarship Fund will reward a student at Washington Community High School who intends to pursue a healthcare career (physician, nurse, physician assistant or nurse practitioner for example).
A scholarship of $2,500 will be granted and can be used towards tuition, room and board, text books, and other fees. This scholarship will be given for one academic year.
Selection Criteria
1. Applicant’s demonstrated interest in pursuing a degree in the healthcare field.
2. Essay.
3. Applicant’s demonstrated desire to succeed.
Applicant must be a senior at Washington Community High School.
Must be a student with interest in pursuing a degree in healthcare.
Must be pursuing education at a 2 or 4 year college or university.
Any candidate who is related to Dr. Kinsinger is ineligible for this scholarship.
Required Materials
Completed application.
Two online reference letters – one from a teacher and one from a non-relative adult.
Essay addressing planned course of study and ultimate career goals.
Application Deadline – March 14, 2025. Opens February 20.
Click here to apply
This scholarship will be established by the estate of Paulette M. Archer for students pursuing an undergraduate degree in nursing at Saint Francis Medical College of Nursing.
Not Accepting Applications.
This scholarship encourages excellence in all science studies. It is awarded annually to a student who plans to pursue further education in the sciences and has achieved academic excellence during high school.
A scholarship of $1,000 will be granted to be applied to tuition and fees.
Selection Criteria
Applicant’s display of scholarship.
Applicant’s involvement in school and civic activities.
Must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in the Sciences.
Applicant must be an academy section member OR be attending Illinois Central College, Eureka College, or Bradley University.
Required Materials
Completed application.
Recommendation letter.
Application Deadline – February 28
To obtain an application, high school students should contact their Academy Section Leader and college students should contact the head of their science department.
Additional questions may be directed to Richard Barthel at dick_barthel@yahoo.com or click here.
The Peoria Chiefs Scholarship Fund was created to give back to those in need of assistance to pursue higher education to advance their careers and lives. Two scholarships will be awarded to individuals in the Peoria Public Schools and Tri-County areas.
Applicant must be a graduating senior from Peoria Public Schools.
Must be a demonstrate financial need.
Must be pursuing education at a public 4 year college or university, private vocational/technical/career college or public 2 year community/technical college.
Required Materials
Completed Application
Applicant must provide financial aid letter from chosen college/university
Essays addressing financial need and leadership.
This scholarship will not be available in 2025.
The Peoria Chiefs Scholarship Fund was created to give back to those in need of assistance to pursue higher education to advance their careers and lives. Two scholarships will be awarded to individuals in the Peoria Public Schools and Tri-County areas.
Applicant must be a graduating senior from the Tri-County Area (Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford Counties)
Must be a student with interest in pursuing a degree in Sports Administration.
Must be pursuing education at a 4 year college or university.
Required Materials
Completed Application
Applicant must provide financial aid letter from chosen college/university
Essays addressing financial need and sports leadership.
This scholarship will not be available in 2025.
Established in memory of Randy A. Neumann, who graduated from Peoria High School as valedictorian in 1976. He served on student council, lettered in sports, participated in numerous organizations, and received significant honors during his high school career. A Peoria High senior who has demonstrated leadership, compassion, and academic excellence receives this scholarship.
This award is to be used for the tuition expenses of the college or university being attended.
Selection Criteria
Academic excellence.
Demonstration of leadership.
Applicant’s compassion and genuine interest in others.
Applicant’s charisma, energy, and their ability to inspire others.
Must be a graduating senior at Peoria High School.
Must be attending at college or university.
Required Materials
Completed Application.
Two recommendations.
Application Deadline – March 20
For an application, contact Peoria High School at (309) 672-6638.
Established by the Romani Family to a student attending Washington Community High School who has an interest in mathematics and participated in athletics throughout his/her high school career.
The $3,000 award is to be applied to the tuition and fees and will be payable directly to the institution in which the recipient is enrolled.
Selection Criteria
Scholastic Achievement.
Applicant’s demonstration of leadership and citizenship.
Must be a graduating senior at Washington Community High School.
Must be enrolling as a full time student at a 2 or 4 year college or university or an accredited technical or vocational institution.
Must have participated in athletics on either a competitive basis or strong intramural.
Must have demonstrated a proficiency or strong interest in the field of mathematics.
Required Materials
Completed Application.
Application Deadline
To obtain an application or for any questions please contact Carissa Yeager, Counselor at Washington Community High School, at (309) 444-5574.
Two awards of up to $1,000 will be given each year, one for a female and one for a male. These funds are to be used for college tuition and fees.
Selection Criteria
Applicant’s demonstration of commitment, effort, training and hard work in the area of high school track and field.
Applicant’s display leadership, scholarship, and citizenship.
Financial need.
Applicant must be a graduating senior at East Peoria High School.
Applicant must be continuing their participation of track and field at the college level.
Applicant must be attending a 2 or 4 year college or university.
Required Materials
Completed Application.
Letter of Recommendation.
Application Deadline – February 3
To obtain an application or for any questions contact April Vasquez, East Peoria High School Counselor at 309-694-8327.
The Sandra L. Stemler Teaching Scholarship Fund is intended for any applicant interested in pursuing a teaching career at any grade level or in any curriculum in an Illinois public school.
The scholarship award of $1,500 may cover tuition, book fees, and housing and will be paid directly to the applicant’s chosen Illinois public college or university.
Selection Criteria:
1. Applicant’s desire to become a teacher at any grade level or in any curriculum in an Illinois public school.
2. Financial need considered only when other factors are equal among applicants.
1. The applicant must be planning to attend an Illinois public college or university and be planning to pursue a teaching career in an Illinois public school.
2. The applicant must maintain at least a “B” average.
3. The applicant must reside within a 50-mile radius of the City of Peoria (excluding Knox and McLean counties).
Required Materials:
1. Completed application.
2. Two letters of recommendation.
3. Essay (approximately 100 words or more) on why applicant is seeking a teaching career.
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
This scholarship is part of our Universal Application. Click Here to Apply
This scholarship was established in 2020. The purpose of this fund is to provide educational scholarships for freshman students who are accepted into a four year college or university. Priority given to students graduating from Dunlap or Peoria School Districts. Preference may be given to students majoring in Education.
Selection Criteria
1. Applicant must be attending a four-year college or university.
2. GPA of “C” or better, with priority given to students who demonstrate effort and commitment to meeting their academic goals.
3. Priority given to students graduating from Dunlap or Peoria School Districts.
4. Preference may be given to students majoring in Education.
5. Financial need is not a requirement.
6. Service hours are not a requirement but a consideration.
7. Participation in clubs and/or activities is not a requirement but a consideration.
Required Materials
1. Completed Application.
2. Two online reference letters – from someone familiar with their work ethic such as a coach, teacher, employer, etc.
3. Short written response to the following questions:
– What is something that makes you laugh?
– What is the bravest or most interesting thing you have done?
– What is something or somewhere beautiful in the outdoors that has awed you?
– If you could donate to a charitable cause, which one would you choose?
4. Recipient required to write a thank you letter.
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
This scholarship is part of our Universal Application. Click here to apply.
Established by the Quin family in memory of Toby L Quin. To honor his memory, his family created this fund to award scholarships to graduating students from Washington Community High School.
Selection Criteria
Graduating senior of Washington Community High School who plans to pursue an Engineering degree at Bradley University. Should no incoming freshmen candidate meet these requirements in a given year, a current Bradley student may be considered.
Application Deadline
To obtain an application and additional information, please contact Washington Community High School at (309) 444-3167.
Established to create a living legacy in memory of Peoria Fire Captain Vernon “Butch” Gudat. College scholarships are provided to qualifying children and grandchildren of career and volunteer firefighters in Peoria, Tazewell, and Woodford counties.
Two scholarships of $1,500 will be given to assist with the cost of tuition and other fees.
Selection Criteria
Applicant must be a child or grandchild of a Central Illinois firefighter. Relatives of both career and volunteer firefighters in Peoria, Tazewell and Woodford counties are eligible. Relatives of both current and retired firefighters are eligible.
Applicant must plan to attend an accredited two- or four-year college or university in the United States in the coming academic year.
Applicant must plan to enroll as a full-time student (as defined by the college or university) in the coming academic year.
Required Materials
Completed application which includes an online essay section requiring your thoughts on the following topics: The Butch Gudat Fund was established to honor the courage of a Peoria firefighter who gave his life in the line of duty. Please share an example of courage that inspires you.
The Butch Gudat Fund is intended as a living legacy to honor a man who would rather be remembered as a father and a friend than a hero. Explain the importance of family and friends in your life.
Butch Gudat and all the other Central Illinois firefighters demonstrate their dedication to community safety and security every day. Explain a way you demonstrate your dedication to the community.
Application Deadline – December 1, 2024
Click here to apply (Application Opens October 1)
The Vietnam Veteran’s Moving Wall Fund Scholarship was established in 1990 by the Vietnam Veteran’s Moving Wall Committee. The Committee established the Fund with the remaining money originally collected to bring the National Vietnam Veteran’s Moving Wall Exhibit, listing the names of the 58,126 Americans who died during the Vietnam War, to Glen Oak Park in Peoria, Illinois.
The Scholarship was established to benefit the children of local veterans who served in the Vietnam War or those of subsequent conflicts.
A scholarship of $775 will be awarded in 2025. The scholarship award is good for a period of one academic year and is not considered a renewable scholarship; however, recipients are eligible to re-apply each year. Prior recipients are not given preferential consideration.
Selection Criteria
Motivation to accomplish career goals.
Potential for scholarship, citizenship and leadership are taken into consideration.
Financial need is only a consideration when other factors weigh equally among applicants.
Applicant must be a child of a Vietnam veteran or child of a veteran of subsequent conflicts.
Applicant must reside within a 50 mile radius of Peoria, IL (excluding Knox and McLean counties).
Applicant must be pursuing post-secondary education.
Required Materials
Completed application.
High School or College/University Transcripts.
Two online Letters of Recommendation – school teacher/administrator/employer and non-relative adult (obtain email addresses for each).
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March
This scholarship is part of our Universal Application. Click here to apply
Established in 1962 in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Walter A. Moehle and Minna E. (Miché) Moehle, to award scholarships to graduating seniors of Okawville High School, Okawville, IL, on the basis of the student’s motivation to accomplish his/her career goals and potential for scholarship, citizenship, and leadership.
This award will be granted to recipients for $3,000 each year, for up to 4 years. This money is to be applied to educational expenses, including tuition and fees.
Selection Criteria
Applicant’s motivation to accomplish educational and career goals.
Potential for scholarship, citizenship, and leadership.
Applicant must be a graduate of District 10.
Student must maintain enrollment in a post secondary educational institution and remain in good academic standing with the institution to continue receiving this scholarship after initial award.
Required Materials
Completed Application.
Application Deadline – April 1
For an application, contact Tricia Schleifer, Guidance Counselor at Okawville High School at (618) 243-5201.
Established by the Women in Leadership of Central Illinois to provide scholarship support for women in the Tri-County (Peoria) area, who are pursuing secondary or post-graduate education or certification at an accredited college or university. Preference will be given to business, management, or professional education programs.
Scholarship Amount: $1,500
Women in Leadership Mission
To promote leadership among women by providing mentoring, networking and educational opportunities.
Selection Criteria
Motivation to accomplish career and leadership goals.
Financial need considered only when other factors are equal among applicants.
Applicants who are past two time recipients are ineligible to receive this scholarship.
Applicant must be a resident of Tri-County (Peoria, Tazewell or Woodford) area.
Applicant must be a woman and a non-traditional student in the workforce a minimum of three (3) years.
Graduate of a high school or recipient of GED.
Required Materials
Completed application.
Transcript of most recent institution attended.
*Please note, applicants who have been in the workforce for an extended period of time are not required to provide transcripts (however, if available, it is strongly encouraged to submit transcripts).
Online Letter of recommendation (obtain email address).
Application Deadline – 1st Wednesday in March. Click here to apply
Below is a list of all Peoria Public Schools Foundation Scholarship funds held at CFCI.
Click here to access Peoria Public Schools Foundation’s scholarship applications.
The Can Do 4:13 Scholarship Fund is dedicated to providing scholarships to the 2002 through 2008 fourth grade classes at Peoria’s Irving Primary School. The “Can Do Kids” have been challenged to graduate from high school.
Recipients will be awarded a one time $2,000 scholarship to be put towards tuition at an accredited post secondary educational institution (college, university, technical training school, junior or business college, or cosmetology school). The student is then eligible for an additional award of $5,000 to assist with their senior year, if applicable.
Selection Criteria
Applicant’s desire to succeed.
Applicant’s display of leadership, scholarship, and citizenship.
Applicant must have been enrolled in the fourth grade at Irving Primary School between the years of 2002 and 2008. Applicants are not required to have been enrolled as a fourth grade student during the entire school year.
Applicant must have successfully completed a high school course of study (including GED). Applicants are not required to be a graduate from District 150 high schools.
Applicant must be enrolled in a post secondary educational institution.
Required Materials
Enrollment verification.
Completed scholarship request form.
How to Apply
For graduates: Please click below for the Can Do 4:13 Scholarship instruction letter and Can Do Scholarship Request Form.
Instruction Letter
Can Do 4:13 Scholarship Request Form
The Community Foundation of Central Illinois
3625 North Sheridan Road - Peoria, Illinois 61604
(309) 674-8730