Investment Results

Asset Allocation Strategy

The asset allocation strategy for the Community Foundation of Central Illinois is as follows:

  • Fixed Income Investments – 40%
  • Equity Investments – 60%

The management of the asset allocation is targeted as follows:

Target Allocation
Domestic Large Cap Equities30.0%
Domestic Small/Mid Cap Equities15.0%
International Equities15.0%
Fixed Income38.0%
International Equities 2.0%

Investment Strategy for Endowed Funds

The investment strategy of the Community Foundation of Central Illinois Endowment is to emphasize total return; that is, the aggregate return from capital appreciation and dividend and interest income.

The primary objective for the investment management for Endowment assets shall be:

Long-Term Growth of Capital – To emphasize long-term growth of principal while avoiding risk. Short-term volatility will be tolerated to the extent that it is consistent with the volatility of a comparable market index.

Investment Results

The chart below illustrates the Community Foundation of Central Illinois’ quarterly investment performance for calendar year 2024.

Time Weighted Returns1st Qtr2nd Qtr3rd Qtr4th QtrYTD1Yr3Yr5Yr
Portfolio Return (annualized, Net of Fees)4.740.755.5311.722.827.40
CFCI Policy Benchmark (annualized)4.470.775.2711.562.016.71
Benchmark 60% SP500 / 40% BarCap5.94-3.468.7015.424.849.01

The CFCI Policy Benchmark consists of 30% S&P 500, 15% Russell 2000 Small Cap Index, 15% MSCI EAFE Index, and 40% Barclays Aggregate Bond Index, rebalanced and compounded monthly.